30 Days to a Healthier Life!

The  30 Day Program

30 Days to a Healthier Life! The combination package contains a complete 30 day program with both Women's Tea and Relax Tea! Two of the most popular products from PerfectHealth have been combined, so that you can take care of your body and mind, while enjoying a good tea, both morning and evening. Women's Tea is based on herbs that can promote hormonal balance and relief from menstrual problems. Relax Tea sedative qualities are made to help with anxiety and sleeping problems.


Why should you drink Women's Tea in the morning and Relax Tea in the evening?

Women’s Tea blend is 100% natural plant powered goodness and focused on hormonal balance, regularity & symptom relief. Packed full of vitamins and antioxidants which are also great for general health and the condition of your skin & hair!

Relax Tea blend is 100% natural plant powered goodness and focused to  ease anxiety, calm a busy mind and promote sleep. The phytochemicals and alkaloids such as quercetin and kaempferol, are known to improve mood and reduce levels of stress hormones in the body!

The ingredients have been selected to give you an extra boost of energy in the morning and to calm and relax the body and mind in the evening. Because of the body's need the morning tea has been created to have an overall wellness effect on your hormones that gives you motivation to kick-start the day. The evening tea, on the other hand, is designed to have a calming and relaxing effect, so you can enjoy a good night's sleep.

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